What are most farmers across Ontario doing right now? If you guessed, cutting, raking and baleing hay, then you are right. The weather has been just right for those who need hay to feed their livestock during the winter months.
Some may know the work that is involved in hay production. You go like crazy for about two weeks to get the hay into the barn - everything else in life is secondary. "Got to make hay while the sun shines!" is what many farmers say.
Hay is a combination of perennial grasses, around this part of Southern Ontario you will see alfalfa in the mix with grasses such as Timothy and Fescue. A good healthy mix will enable you to have quality feed for your animals during the winter months.
Last month,we held our first "Chicken Day" for the 2011 season. We had a great turn out and saw some new faces come out for a visit to the farm. We still do have some chicken available, for those who could not make it.
The gardens are also doing well. This week we will see available: shallots, Chiogga beets, peas (shell, snow, snap), new potatoes, brocolloi, red onions, and various types of lettuce.
If you are interested in beef, chicken or vegtables give us a call to arrange a time to come by.
Karen & Peter
519 232-4105